Terms & Conditions


Below you will find our General Terms and Conditions. These are always applicable if you use and/or place an order via our website and contain important information for you as a customer. We advise you to read these carefully.


1. Definitions

1.1 DLS Design B.V. established in Linschoten and registered with the Chamber of Commerce under registration number 67555888 trading under the name DLS Design.

1.2 Website: the website of DLS Design, to be consulted via www.dlsdesignwholesale.com and all associated subdomains.

1.3 Customer: the natural or legal person, whether or not acting in the course of a profession or business, who enters into an agreement with DLS Design men and/or has registered on the website.

1.4 Agreement: any agreement or understanding between DLS Design and customer, of which the General Terms and Conditions form an integral part.

1.5 Force majeure: any circumstance independent of the will of DLS Design, as a result of which the fulfilment of its obligations towards the customer is wholly or partially prevented, or as a result of which the fulfilment of its obligations cannot reasonably be required of DLS Design, regardless of whether that circumstance was foreseeable at the time the Agreement was concluded. These circumstances also include: strikes and lockouts, stagnation or other problems in production by DLS Design or its suppliers and/or in its own or third party transport and/or measures of any government agency, telecommunication failures, as well as the absence of any governmental permit.


2. Applicability of General Terms and Conditions

2.1 All offers, agreements and deliveries of DLS Design are subject to the General Terms and Conditions, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.

2.2 If Customer includes in his order, confirmation or notice of acceptance provisions or conditions that deviate from, or do not appear in, the General Conditions, these are only binding for DLS Design if and insofar as they have been explicitly accepted by DLS Design in writing.


3. Deviations

3.1 There can always be colour differences between the colour on the website and in reality.

3.2 Changes: DLS Design has the right to change the content of the website at any time.


4. Prices and information

4.1 All prices mentioned on the website and in other materials from DLS Design are excluding  VAT and, unless otherwise stated on the website, other government levies. If needed, hose costs will be added to an order.

4.2 Shipping costs can be added after conclusion of the Agreement, if needed. We will contact you if costs will change.

4.3 The content of the website has been compiled with the greatest care. However, DLS Design cannot guarantee that all information on the website is correct and complete at all times. All prices and other information on the website and in other materials originating from DLS Design are therefore subject to obvious programming and typing errors.

4.3 The minimum order value is €200. 

4.4 Products or goods purchased from DLS Design shall only be sold at of above the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). These prices are indicated on the website. In case the Wholesale Account chooses to place the products or goods for sale at a discount, the Wholesale Account shall not discount the products more than 10% below MSRP. Products can be in sale for a maximum of 1 week. Permission for special sale events beyond the 10% discount by the Wholesale Account of for a timeframe longer than 1 week must be requested in writing to contact@dlsdesignwholesale.com.

4.5  All pricing is in euro (EUR) and excluding taxes. All orders are invoiced without taxes, except when laws require us to invoice taxes. Prices are subject to change without notice. 


5. Products and returns

5.1 The store will mentioned the minimum quantity and the quantity after this. Most products will have a minimum quantity of 3 or 6, extra quantity above the minimum of 3.

5.2 All orders are hand-picked by us, and are checked for quality. We take great care to pack our orders to avoid damage in transit. If needed, the buyer must make any claims of defects, including but not limited to those related to shortages, quality, or specification, within the first 3 days after receiving the order. 

5.3 Products order and received without any defects or issues, can not be returned. All orders are final.

5.4 Products come with a barcode, which is not an EAN code and will be a duplicate of the SKU.


6. Realisation of the agreement

6.1 An agreement between DLS Design and the customer is concluded when the customer accepts DLS Design's offer and complies with the associated conditions.

6.2 If a customer has accepted the offer electronically, DLS Design shall confirm receipt of acceptance of the offer electronically without delay. 

6.3 The acknowledgement of receipt shall contain at least the following information:

  • Which product was purchased, the number of products, the price of the product.
  • Customer information such as name, delivery address, billing address (if different from the customer's delivery address), e-mail address and telephone number of the customer (if known).
  • The order number of the agreement
  • The e-mail address of DLS Design, where the customer can go with questions about the order.

6.4 If it appears that incorrect information was provided by Customer when accepting or otherwise entering into the Agreement, DLS Design has the right to fulfil its obligation only after the correct information has been received. Costs resulting from incomplete or incorrect data will be charged to the Customer.

6.5 DLS Design reserves the right to dissolve an agreement in the event of incorrect information, regarding shipping costs, prices or quantities or any other incorrect information that stands in the way of performing its services.

7. Payments

Please note that orders will not be sent until cleared payment is received. All unpaid orders will not be held. Once you submit an order, it cannot be cancelled by you. All sales are final. Any variation to any order must be agreed to in writing. The total price may alter as a result of any variation and the buyer agrees to pay any increase. 

7.1 Payments to DLS Design are only made in euro's.

7.2 DLS Design may charge extra for certain payment methods. These are communicated during the ordering process and the customer is free to choose a payment method.

7.3 All amounts charged to DLS Design must be paid without discount or deduction. Customer is not authorized to settle. Customer does not have the right to suspend any payment obligation towards DLS Design.

7.4 In the event that the payment term of seven [7] days is exceeded, DLS Design is entitled to charge the customer interest of 1% per month from the due date of the invoice, whereby part of a month is counted as a whole month. If the payment term is exceeded, DLS Design will send a reminder.

7.5 If the customer has not paid in full after the reminder has been sent, or has not paid before the deadline set in the reminder, DLS Design has the right to charge its extrajudicial [collection] costs to the customer.

7.6 As long as Customer has not made full payment for the entire agreed amount, all delivered goods remain the property of DLS Design.


8. Execution of Agreement

8.1 As soon as the order has been received by DLS Design, DLS Design shall send the products as soon as possible, taking into account the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article.

8.2 DLS Design is entitled to engage third parties to carry out the obligations arising from the Agreement. 

8.3 The delivery period is in principle 1 to 5 working days after payment. The method of delivery can take place in different ways and is at the discretion of DLS Design.

8.4 If DLS Design is not able to deliver the products within the agreed period, it shall inform Customer. 

8.5 DLS Design advises Customer to inspect the delivered products and to report any defects within 3 days, preferably by e-mail. See further the Article about warranty and conformity.

8.6 If the delivered products are not received within 7 days after shipment, the customer should contact DLS Design, preferably by e-mail. 

8.7 As soon as the products to be delivered have been delivered by the sending party to the specified delivery address or address chosen by the sending party nearby, the risk with regard to these products is transferred to Customer. Please note that the party responsible for shipment may deliver a parcel to neighbouring homes. If this is not desired, this must be explicitly stated in the comments during the ordering process.

8.8 DLS Design is entitled to deliver a similar product of similar quality as the product ordered, if the product ordered is no longer available. If this is the case, DLS Design shall inform Customer in advance by means of a proposal that Customer may refuse.

9. Shipping
We offer international shipping, and charge the actual cost for shipping on international orders, based on the order’s weight. We are unable to offer flat rate shipping at this time for international orders.

10. Damages and Defects
Please inspect all shipments immediately upon arrival. In case of a defect, contact DLS Design at contact@dlsdesignwholesale.com within 5 days of receipt of damaged goods.

11. Images

DLS Design provides photos to promote the products on products on retailer’s websites. If retailers wish to use other photos, please contact us via contact@dlsdesignwholesale.com. Please note that these images remain the sole property of DLS Design and we have final say on the usage of images.

For social media all images can be used from our website. We love to see our and your images published on social media featuring DLS Design, so we encourage you to tag us (@dlsdesignshop) so that we can repost.

12. Copyright

12.1 The copyright as well as all other intellectual property rights on all Products or other materials delivered by DLS Design to Customer or made available in any way whatsoever, belong exclusively to DLS Design or its suppliers, and Customer obtains the rights of use that are explicitly granted in these Terms and Conditions, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in a written document signed by DLS Design and Customer.

12.2 Customer is aware that the Products and/or other materials as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article may contain confidential information and trade secrets of DLS Design or its suppliers, and Customer undertakes to keep these Products and/or other materials secret and not to disclose or give them to any third party.

12.3 trademark marks or any indication concerning copyrights, brands, etc. applied to the Products or their packaging.

12.4 DLS Design is permitted to take measures to protect the products.

12.5 DLS Design does not guarantee that the items delivered to the customer do not infringe any intellectual and/or industrial property rights of third parties and accepts no liability in the event of any third party claim based on the proposition that an item delivered by DLS Design infringes any third party right.

12.6 DLS Design declares that, to the best of its knowledge, the Products do not infringe any intellectual property rights of third parties in force in The Netherlands. In the event of a claim by a third party in respect of infringement of such rights, DLS Design may, if necessary, replace or modify the Product in question, or dissolve the Agreement in whole or in part. Customer has the right to dissolve the Agreement only to the extent that maintenance of the Agreement cannot reasonably be required of him.

12.7 Customer shall immediately inform DLS Design of any claim by third parties regarding an infringement of intellectual property rights relating to the Products. In the event of such a claim, only DLS Design is authorised - also on behalf of Customer - to put forward a defence or to take legal measures against that third party, or to reach an amicable settlement with that third party. The Customer shall refrain from such measures, insofar as this can reasonably be demanded of him. In all cases Customer shall cooperate with DLS Design.


These terms and conditions may be amended or replaced from time to time by DLS Design. Any order placed after such amendment is made will represent an agreement by you to be bound by the amended terms and conditions.


Agreement and Acknowledgement
Buyer(s) have carefully read and agree to these Terms and Conditions. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction or an arbitrator to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining terms and provisions of this agreement will remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated.


Company Details:

DLS Design B.V.
Van Rietlaan 16
3461 HW Linschoten
The Netherlands

(+31) 348-448098


Chambre of Commerce 67555888

TAX ID NL857075263B01



Date Created: 20/7/2021